In response to:  Also, a question about Disability

      Talking about looking pregnant and I'm a male.  My belly bloated up so 
bad, that people said I looked like I was pregnant with twins.  Once the 
bloated came back down, I had put on 20 lbs.  I was only at 135 lbs before TM, 
now at 160, it's hard to get rid of it, especially around the holidays.
      Trying to keep the weight off,
      Todd in CC, TX

      I have to laugh at all of the clothes and styles, now, Todd.  The pants 
are worn so low that if I were to walk two feet, they would fall down because 
of my tummy!

      QUESTION FOR EVERYONE????  When you are on disability, does it go on 
forever or is there a time when it quits and you change over to just plain 
Social Security?  Can you work and still draw disability?  Also, Jack wanted me 
to ask you, if something happened to him, would I then get his SS and lose my 
disability?  I tried to find answers on-line but couldn't.  Thank you all..

      Jeanne and Jack in Dayton where Jack is out pheasant hunting... 
Pheasants???  Not to worry... 

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