I read all the post and stories on TM but rarely add my input, as I was reading other post on this subject I do not feel so alone.

I was working in Atlanta as a warehouse manager in over 200,000 sq ft building, walking end to end all day when I got TM in 04 and now walker at home wheel chair in public. I was on a business trip to Texas when it happened. Company was very supportive at the on set, flew husband out to assist and bring me home once I got out of the hospital and rehab hospital. When I went back to work a month after getting out of rehab they brought me down for a “trial run’ to see if I would have any problems with accessibility and office arrangements. Building was just fine and they even built me an area in a space office to lie down and rest if needed during the day. Then company moved to another facility 20 miles further away, job hours got longer, and more physically demanding. Hours went from 8 a day to 12 and no more rest breaks. Company ended up closing facility last year and I was able to get “office job” with another company. Only problem with new company is they were not there from the beginning of TM and most days they don’t understand just getting up, dressing and getting to work wears me out, the fatigue, constant pain I am in. Was hurting one day, could not get conformable, legs stun, feet burned like they were on fire and all boss could say was “Oh poor baby” I was hurt and disappointed that someone would say that! Old job would have told me to go lie down, put feet up for about 20 minutes then come back once out to warehouse once I was feeling better. So far have been able to put in my 8 hours a day and go to pool 3 days a week. Now I try to rest as much as possible on the weekends so I can get up and do it all over again.



-------------- Original message from "Janice" <jan...@centurytel.net>: --------------

Hi Guys!
I have been curious about something for a while and since things have kind of slowed down, want to ask you all what you did
before TM hit and if you were able to go back to it or if you are doing something new.                                                                   I am including even those who just read these emails and don't usually
respond.   I would like to hear from everybody and would think all of us would be interested.   I will start:
I was a school nurse's secretary/assistant in a large high school for 19 years.   I absolutely loved it - everyday was different, as
you can imagine working with high schoolers!   Our school nurse was gone a lot to other schools we were responsible for, so
I was left alone quite a bit and handled many different situations.  I was well trained for this and it was great.

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