     Forgot to ask.    What exactly is Nathuropathic Medicine?    By the way,  
congratulations.   You must be
     so proud of him.       Janice
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Trudy Ogilvie 
  To: Todd Tarno 
  Cc: TMIC 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 5:01 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Every now and then!

  Thanks Todd....   Yes, and since I gave him "life"  he owes me big time !!!!! 

  On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Todd Tarno <> wrote:

          Chris will be a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine...

          So, does this mean that you have your own private doctor now? LOL
          I bet Chris is glad to be done. lol  Congratulation!!!
          Todd in CC, TX

          --- On Tue, 6/30/09, Trudy Ogilvie <> wrote:

            From: Trudy Ogilvie <>

            Subject: Re: [TMIC] Every now and then!

            To: "Robert Pall" <>

            Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 2:19 PM

            That is the question of the day!!  I just wish somehow we would be 
able to tell when too much is too much..  It's been seven years of stop and go 
exercise. And who can really tell us that answer..   Yes, if my body would give 
me some indication that I should slow it down.... NO, NO....
            and we pay for days and then stop exercise. Rob I am 63 years 
young. I believe that exercise is a key to staying healthy... BUT.... I am soooo
            frustrated. I work out on the machines at the gym then a swim... 
that was NOT good.  So choose my poison... swim or gym???  I've been doing some 
travelling lately and I am home after a week back on Long Island. Took me 7 
hours to drive up... did I tell you Rob (no offense) but I HATE
            the ^^%#**## New Jersey Turnpike....  almost as much as I hate the 
%%$#@ Belt Pkwy...  It was a fantastic trip... and of course you have to party 
at least one or two nights. I worked my way from Islip, L.I. then to Mineola, 
then to Forest Hills, then to the BIG APPLE.  Then drove home to Va.
            early Sat. morning only to hit horrendous traffic on a bridge just 
outside the Holland Tunnel.  I know this is too much info for everyone but your 
stuck with me and I want to share my blessings and my curses with this group!!  
I have taken 1 and 1/2 Vicodin every day since I've been home. I'm getting 
ready for my trip next week to Phoenix for my son's graduation. BUT  my 
husband, my hero, will be with me and will take good care of me as will my four 
adult children. And we will be in one place all week. Chris will be a Doctor of 
Naturopathic Medicine... it's been a very long journey for him but he has 
accomplished his dream.  O.K I will put you all out of your misery with this 
toooo long e-mail.....   take care!
            "Find the thing that stirs your heart
            and make room for it."  Joan Chittister

            On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Robert Pall 
<> wrote:

                      I refuse to even discuss the petty arguments and 
disagreements that seem to happens several times a year. To discuss them 
actually provides legitimacy to the discussion. Stop being so quick to argue 
and remember the purpose of the list. No one needs to take sides….if what is 
written does not apply or offers words you do not care for…just delete it!
                      Do you ever think of how a new visitor to the site reacts 
to bickering….my guess is it turns them off…and that is a tragedy! If one 
member has a problem with what someone else says. why not try to just contact 
that person directly and not to the group as a whole. Remember we are all in 
this together and inevitably when these things occur the next thing that 
happens is we see the word "unsubscribe". When one is in 24/7 pain and 
discomfort it is easy to pick a fight or disagreement…anything at all to avoid 
what is really the problem. TM
              New topic: Exercise 
                      Exercise….when is enough enough? 
                      I tend to exercise in spurts….I am either following a 
regular routine or giving into my pain and discomfort and doing nothing at all! 
 I am not very good at knowing when I am overdoing it and therefore make the 
same mistakes over and over. After pretty much doing nothing for the past 6 
months I am now back to swimming 3-4 times per week and I have never felt 
worse. My legs feel weighed down and I am walking far worse than normal. The 
level of discomfort and Pain are also off my charts. So what do I do….probably 
stop exercising and see if my legs feel better….that being said we have had 
horribly huimid,wet weather in the New York area the entire month of June…so I 
am not certain if the over exercising or the weather is making the TM flare up. 
Even after 12 years I have not really learned to listen to my body….part of 
this is due to the fact that I am not in discomfort while exercising….but hours 
later it is as if my body is just realizing I over did it and I have to pay the 
                      My main exercise is swimming (and a little 
treadmill)….for the first 10 years of TM I had far fewer breaks from the 
exercise routine …and then all of a sudden when I hit 60 I kinda gave up and 
threw in the towel….I kinda just quit. I felt hopeless and helpless…therefore I 
just started back on my routine…and so far the pain far outweighs the gain.
                      I will attempt to introduce "moderation" to my exercise 
and try to remember I am closing in on 62 so I would guess non related TM 
problems are beginning to surface such as arthritis. I still have a lot on my 
plate…I drive 80 miles a day to work and sometimes I am just so exhausted that 
the thought of a workout is something I cannot handle. That being said I do 
find that when I let myself get out of shape and gain addl. Weight I always 
feel worse…and I can assure you that this is not a vanity issue. 
                      I would appreciate hearing from the group as to what 
exercises works for them…how do you know when you are over doing it? I am 
seeing Dr. Kerr on Weds and will pose the question to him…I have a feeling he 
will stress moderation and developing a routine that will keep my muscles from 
atrophying while a t the same time not exhausting me to the point of pain.
                      OK…enough for now…let's get back on topic! 
              Rob in New Jersey 


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