The banding came on immediately with the TM and has never left.  Without
the meds, it is excruciatingly painful and just heads south to my toes. 
Funny how you can hurt so bad and 'not feel'???  Explain that to someone?? 
::))  Gosh, I'm so happy you all are in my life..Jeanne
-------Original Message-------
Date: 8/10/2009 10:56:05 PM
Subject: [TMIC] That banding feeling
Those of you who got that banding feeling do you all just have TM or did you
also get subsequently diagnosed with MS too? And if you did experience the
banding feeling, did you experience it at the beginning of your TM (or MS)
journey or somewhere down the road? :-)
Just wondering if TM'ers get the banding feeling or is it only those that
get MS too. I had it at the start of my TM but it went away after a month or
two. I had a very mild case of TM and as of yet not diagnosed with MS. 





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