
How have things gone since stopping those meds? I'm on a bowel
routine...I don't have much control. Without a suppository, things
don't move when I need them to...which is when the nurse shows up to
help me. WIthout it, I'd go..but it would be incontinence...not where
it needs to go.

BTW..this replying automatically to sender instead of the list is very

Frank...your reply went to me instead of the list.


On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Laurie Zissimos<> wrote:
> I'm 52 and I have had TM for 3.5 years.  I'm a T-10 (originally a T-7) and
> with intense PT, I have been able to regain 70% functionality.  I get around
> with a walker in the house and for short jaunts like a doctors appt or a
> restaurant.  For longer journey's I have to use the wheel chair.  I am on
> Lyrica for the pain and Ditropan XL for bladder control. I have tried stool
> softeners, laxatives, fiber, Miralax and Calm Cure.  Last week I stopped all
> of it because I felt I was taking too much medicine and wasn't getting the
> right results.  Hope that helps.  Laurie in Baltimore
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> To: Laurie Zissimos <>;
> Sent: Sun, Aug 30, 2009 4:55 pm
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Bowel Question
>>I feel the need to have a bowel movement each time I stand up.
> Verry Interesting !!
> I usually get that feeling when I sit down.
> Are you regular?  What meds are you using for your intestines and bowels
> now?
> How old are you?  Do you enjoy italian food?
> Excuse Me, I know better, but get asking questions and have trouble stopping
> whether I'm sitting or standing.
> Maybe you should see your local medical doctor, and have a rectal exam and
> stool
> examination for blood.
> pHranq3ue


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