

Actually, I'm not concerned what the drs call it; it doesn't change how I
live if they end up calling it TM or MS or whatever.  The name of the thing
is their business.  It's done its thing if TM and if MS.  I just live with
it.  I don't see any difference, actually.  It's not as if we have cancer or
something else here.  Done is done; so, how would it change anything?



In New York: 718-271-2738




From: Deborah Nord Capen [] 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 11:49 AM
To: 'Dalton Garis'; 'Gerry Surette';
Subject: RE: [TMIC]


Is it actually that you "had" MS and now you "have" TM, or just that the
doctors speculated that you might have MS, and then after a while determined
that your actual diagnosis is TM due to the results of your testing?  


Some doctors are very conservative in their diagnoses while others jump the
gun and diagnose too quickly before completing all testing.  That did happen
to me while I was in the hospital in Minnesota. I had one doctor tell me
that I quite possibly had MS and that they wouldn't make an official DX
until further attacks, and then another doctor came into my room and told me
that the first doctor spoke out of school and I should ignore what he said
to me.


Just because a doctor says you "have" something does NOT necessarily make it
so.  They are not always "God", just trying to act like it.

Take care,




From: Dalton Garis [] 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 3:44 AM
To: 'Gerry Surette';
Subject: RE: [TMIC] 




I utilize the MS World chatroom because it is frequented a lot by
demyelinating disease sufferers; and some even have TM themselves.  I found
several who had MS after getting TM, but so far, I am the only one getting
TM after getting MS (things happen!).


Good luck,


Dalton Garis


PS: Are there many persons named Garis or De Garis up there?  


From: Gerry Surette [] 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 6:40 AM
Subject: [TMIC] 


hi there; while I had chronic myletopy;  I received many good wishes. thank
you again for your caring and support. I have a question is the chat line
still in operation if so what is the link to it. thanks Gerry in montreal 

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