GlacierI am not sure who you are referring to, but I take two 10 mg. pills 
every nite at 8:30 pm.      It took a while to find what would work for
me.   I started taking more than that - I think I at dinner and 2-3 before bed. 
   Found I did not need that much.    Don't take it during the
day because I am active enough that it is not a big problem.   But, nite time 
really is a problem.    But, like I said, the 2 that I take in the
evening seems to work most of the time.

From: Rebecca 
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 10:13 PM
Subject: [TMIC] 

I have a question. How many mg. are you taking of bacolfen? I am not sure at 
what dosage would I benefit from.


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