Thanks, Gracie;


I feel as if in some kind of mixer with all these
you-don't-have-you-did-have's going back in forth.  Your statement takes
some of the pressure off somehow.


Here is what has happened since 9 January of this year:


The first attack was left side weakness, girdling, etc, only involving the
left side-left eye pain, a headache on the left side of the head right up to
the center of the skull, of a different quality from the ordinary migraines
I was used to, etc, etc, just like MS.  Then symptoms lessened in about a
week.  The second attack was 6 weeks later, like the first in every way only
stronger.  Again, symptoms lessened in about a week.


Something completely different began two months later, with a severe and
unique backache one night followed the next day with twitching, spasticity,
difficulty swallowing, difficulty with urinating, and weakness on both sides
of the body.  It also included aches in the forelimbs of arms and legs which
haven't gone away and extend to just above both knees and elbows.  There was
also worsening of balance control, etc.


Also, all types of headaches completely disappeared and I have gotten only
one headache since 23 April, when I went down with convulsions after getting
that backache the night before.  Very strange.


The first set of symptoms read like the typical MS attack; and the latter
set sounds like typical TM.  I still get these convulsions that last from
ten minutes to six hours.  They come in waves, tightening, then easing off,
first the back of the body, then the front side.


So it looked to me and to all the world like MS to begin with, then TM later


As I said earlier to someone else, I really don't care what they call it
since I can't see that it would make any difference to me in any way, in
treatment regimes or anything.  I have good days and bad days, one-cane days
and two-cane days and stay-at home days.


The real thing is these convulsion attacks.  They are really upsetting and
keep me inside, for instance, not being able to see the Yankees-Mets game
for fear I begin convulsing in the stands and there is a big, expensive


Thanks, again for your input.  





Dalton Garis

Office: +971-2-607-5070/-5297

Fax: +971-2-607-2500

Mobile: +971-50-668-5760

In New York: 718-271-2738


From: Grace M. [] 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 1:58 PM
To: Deborah Nord Capen
Cc: Dalton Garis; Gerry Surette;
Subject: Re: [TMIC]


Hello Dalton,


I have many MS friends and among them are those who have experienced TM.
Some prior to their MS diagnosis, and some after.  I myself experience
episodes of relapsing LETM (Longitudinally Extensive Transverse Myelitis)
but as a result of having NMO.



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