it would be good to write a letter to your congressman,senators,govenor,or who 
ever else has anything to do with anything.

and if you could possibly, by word of mouth,get names on a petition from maybe 
some of the people you see at those places it would help.

i know this seams like a far stretched thing but it is how changes are made.

perhaps it wont happen in our lifetime but if we address problems enough a day 
comes when one of those stringy politicians get little things done that make a 
difference in order to get a greater amout of cash for their pet projects and 
their hip national bank.

democracy or republic,,,,things get done when those in higher places see a 
in it for themselves.

----- Original Message ----
From: Akua <>
Sent: Wed, September 15, 2010 4:14:13 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications

>  I seem to be like this washing machine model that none of the repairmen has 
>ever seen before.

May I use this! T'is so true for me. Though I heard the Prez say 20% of 
Americans are disabled
and in my county more that 20% are disabled, every bloody little thing for me 

The neurologist office is NOT accessible by the front door-- I have to be let 
off at the back, need help
over the door  frame.... same at the physical therapy place..... and at the 
clinic where they've got the dorr
part right, there are no accessible exam rooms.....argh!!!!!!!!


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