it would be good to write a letter to your congressman,senators,govenor,or who ever else has anything to do with anything.

Done and done as previously reported here

and if you could possibly, by word of mouth,get names on a petition from maybe some of the people you see at those places it would help.

I can't go anywhere to see people to get names. Also why politicians ignore. My congressman, the idiot who was fodder for late night talk shows had a functionary call and ream me out for not going to city council meetings and pleading my case. I said-- how could i get THERE? even if i was ablebodied, without i car I couldnt get to city council meetings as there is no public transit after 4:30 p.m and there is no paratransit!

I worte the paper every other month for a year last year and also posted on their blog which elicited responses like-- why should the taxpayers care.

i know this seams like a far stretched thing but it is how changes are made.

In developed America, maybe. In third world America, no.

perhaps it wont happen in our lifetime but if we address problems enough a day comes when one of those stringy politicians get little things done that make a difference in order to get a greater amout of cash for their pet projects and their hip national bank. democracy or republic,,,,things get done when those in higher places see a bonus in it for themselves.


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