this may sound silly but some foods may help you with this problem.
i have found that pinto beans help me.
i dont eat them regularly but when i do,,,,,i go.
very interesting topic especially when a lot of things we take for relief or to 
treet our symptoms cause constipation which can cause multiple aggravations.
John in WV

--- On Wed, 10/13/10, Amanda Diskey <> wrote:

From: Amanda Diskey <>
Subject: [TMIC] personal problem
Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 7:32 AM

I don't write very often, and I normally wouldn't talk to people about 
something so personal, but I don't know who else to ask.  I have been having 
problems with constipation for a long time -- and it is only getting worse.  As 
of right now I have been unable to go to the bathroom for five days.  I have 
been taking Senokot and Miralax, plus I have been prescribed Lactulose by  my 
neurologist.  I take magnesium citrate pretty often, but it really makes me 
miserable when I take it.  My legs get really tight and shake uncontrollably 
from being dehydrated.  My stomach actually hurts today and I'm normally don't 
feel pain there.  I have been to doctors and they were no help.  It seems like 
they just take my money and run because they don't have the answer.  When I 
went to the gynecologist she actually asked me why I thought I needed to have a 
Pap smear even though I told her I hadn't had one in over two years.  She just 
didn't want to deal with me
 because I cannot stand up.  I get this from a lot of doctors -- it seems like 
nobody wants to deal with me.  I couldn't even find a regular family doctor-- a 
receptionist at one of the doctors offices I called actually told me that she 
didn't think the doctors there would be able to handle my case.  She said that 
if I was a regular person that was just dealing with colds and other "normal" 
illnesses, that would be fine, but she didn't think they would know what to do 
to help me.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could take to help me 
with this situation?  I am getting very desperate for some relief!
Thank you,
Amanda Diskey


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