First-- I am so sorry to read of your discomfort and the infuriatingly bad treatment.
This is fixable and the doctors should be working on it.
That you are in pain from it is untenable.

Bowel movement problems could be evidence of something else, as well as
being a symptom of  TM.

You must see a physician about this, before it becomes something more than it is.

When you say you cannot stand-- are you in wheelchair?
If so, do you use digital stimulation?

If this impaction is what is making you unable to stand -- please call an emergency room

This might be about mechanics and it could also be about chemistry.

You should get someone to assess your diet: do you have any allergies, are you lactose intolerant?
Is you liquid intake sufficient? Do you drink at least a quart of water a day?
Are you getting sufficient fiber, veggies,  fruit?

But bottom line-- see someone today!

Best of luck, keep us posted,


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