Hi Dalton,


I am fortunate to still be working to keep my mind busy and have some social
life.  We have 2 things in common; I'm in the baby beginnings of attempting
a book and I also love working with wood.  Before TM I made lots of
furniture for the house.  I then became interested in the lathe, which with
a lot of patience will also bring out the beauty of the wood when polished.
I go around feeling anything made of wood looking for that smooth touch.
Recently, I purchased a pistol grip cane made from cocobolo, besides the
beauty of the grain it is wonderful to feel the smoothness and dare I say
the life of the cocobolo.


I live out in Suffolk county Long Island, I would love to come and visit one
day.  I believe you live in Queens.  That might be doable, the City, not so
much.  I work Monday to Friday, maybe a week end if you would be up to


Make it a great day,



From: Dalton Garis [mailto:malugss...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:02 AM
To: Janice Nichols; Janet Dunn; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Looking for input.


I keep busy with lots of little things and some few big things.


I am about finished editing my second book and making it ready for some
other set of eyes to look it over for consideration as a published book.
With one book already published in 2007 more publishers are willing to look
at this one.


I do a lot of polishing of hard wood things like duck calls for pleasure.
Nothing pleases me more than having some smoothed piece of beautiful wood in
my hand, like Birdseye maple, walnut burl, red oak.  I wear a duck call
around my neck at all times.  If a seizure strikes I can blow it to get
attention.  You see, this is New York; you don't use a coach's whistle, or
everyone will run away, thinking it is a policeman.  The duck call makes
people turn around to see what it is, with open and innocent curiosity.
That is the attitude I want when they see me asking for help because I am
having a seizure.  And also because this is New York, if you have even a
gran-mal, no one will notice.  


I only wish I could polish my soul as easily as I polish a wooden duck call
to make it as beautiful as possible.  But it is not so simple.  Polishing
the duck call wood does provide a lesson: by hard work its hidden beauty
will come out, and by no other way except hard work is this possible.  And,
you cannot make it better than what beauty it inherently possesses.


"I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy beauty, stinging forth above the horizon
of eternity, a beauty which, as soon as it revealed itself, the kingdom of
beauty boweth down in worship, magnifying it in ringing tones, to grant that
I may die to all that I possess and live to whatsoever belongeth unto Thee.
Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name the Most-Holy, the
Most-Luminous, the Most_Mighty, the Most-Great, the Most-Exalted, the
Most-Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the Robe to which have clung all
in this world and in the world to come."  - Baha-u-llah 


When the pain and fatigue subsides enough I try to take care of all the
domestic chores so my dear wife can concentrate on her business.


How the time flies.




Dalton H. Garis

Flushing, Queens

New York, USA



From: Janice Nichols <jan...@centurytel.net>
Date: Tuesday, 26 January 2012 9:48 PM
To: Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>, Janet Dunn <j.d...@shaw.ca>,
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Looking for input.


Actually, I am doing pretty well.    Still getting stronger in my legs after
5 years of TM.    Balance isn't terrific, but I can deal with it.

What do you do to keep your brain going since you are practically a shut in
now?     You always kept busy with mental activities.    You and Bridget are
the only

ones I have known that have the seizure problems.    Surely the doc's can
come up with something for you two to carry on decent lives.    I pray for
you both.




From: Dalton Garis <mailto:malugss...@gmail.com>  

Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 3:13 PM

To: Janice Nichols <mailto:jan...@centurytel.net>  ; Janet Dunn
<mailto:j.d...@shaw.ca>  ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Looking for input.




The situation was much improved for a while.  But now they are back again,
having Segwayed into a kind of mental fog, which comes on quickly then
leaves me with limited speech and locomotion capacities, and in need of
around 3-4 hours sleep almost immediately.  I am really a shut-in now, since
I can't depend on more than around 6 hours of lucidity before the next


How are you doing?


Love to all,



Dalton H. Garis

Flushing, Queens

New York, USA


From: Janice Nichols <jan...@centurytel.net>
Date: Tuesday, 26 January 2012 10:23 AM
To: Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>, Janet Dunn <j.d...@shaw.ca>,
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Looking for input.


Dalton, how are you doing with your seizures?     Haven't heard much about
it lately.     Hope it means there is vast improvement.



From: Dalton Garis <mailto:malugss...@gmail.com>  

Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 9:59 PM

To: Janet Dunn <mailto:j.d...@shaw.ca>  ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Looking for input.


We love you, and your struggle;


It is all of our struggles, also.  Our solidarity has done sooo much to keep
me going, to get up and try to make something useful of the lucid and
non-distracted time I can get.




Dalton H. Garis

Flushing, Queens

New York, USA



From: Janet Dunn <j.d...@shaw.ca>
Date: Monday, 25 January 2012 10:43 PM
To: "tmic-list@eskimo.com" <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Looking for input.
Resent-From: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Resent-Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 19:48:11 -0700


Thank you for all of the replies.  I am going to try the baclofen as needed.
Yes, I am taking other meds - effexor, welbutrin, oxycontin fast acting, and
oxycontin time release, and either tylenol or advil.  I also have flexeril
if I need it.

I have come to the conclusion that it is a combination of the  lack of
Lyrica and  the heat.  Hot for us where I live is 24 degrees celcius - which
is about 75 degrees.  Cold is -35 or 40.

I don't want to go back on the Lyrica, so I am going to try the baclofen.  I
have never had spasms like this before.  Wow - how some of you live with
bigger and badder (I know, I know) spasms is beyond me.  I cannot tolerate
the pain and uncomfortableness of the darn things.

Always something new to enjoy ahem, ahem.  It will be eight years in August
for me, and this disease never ceases to frustrate me.

Thanks again, so glad we are such a friendly helpful group.  I will not
whine about the heat again after hearing how hot it is in Texas, and other
places.  Where I live we may get one or two days of 30 Celcius which is
about 82ish.  And then we get an awesome thunder show.

Take care my friends, 

Love Janet

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