Well now

That rigidity you talk about sounds a lot like part of what 
I have been describing for years. 

Dalton Garis
New York, New York

On Jun 26, 2012, at 5:10 PM, James Berg <molokai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all--I'm one who has tried all of the drugs and learned about Lyrica from 
> Dalton.  Now I can't live without it.  My legs spasm so bad that without it 
> that my wife would leave me if I didn't take it.  Seriously, there was no 
> sleep for either of us before the Pregabalin (generic Lyrica).  I understand 
> the heat Dalton talks about as I stretch the doses as far as I can it get 
> worse.  I take a huge dose about 11 pm, 300 mg. and by 8:00 am I am kicking 
> the blankets off the bed.  It or the TM puts me out by 2pm and I sleep until 
> 6pm.  Lately I have been rubbing my heels together at night without knowing 
> it.  I do have full body rigidity attacks, usually in the morning--my body 
> tightens all around me and I lift up off the bed, only head and feet touching 
> for 10 seconds or so.  No, I can't feel much in my legs except the buzzing 
> heat.
> Anyway Janet, the spasms due stop with the Lyrica but maybe other things work 
> for you too.  One thing I think all of us can agree on it that we all seem to 
> be different in so many ways with how the disease effects us but similar in 
> some others.  It is a tough road to hoe.
> Jim
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually;
> The situation was much improved for a while.  But now they are back again, 
> having Segwayed into a kind of mental fog, which comes on quickly then leaves 
> me with limited speech and locomotion capacities, and in need of around 3-4 
> hours sleep almost immediately.  I am really a shut-in now, since I can't 
> depend on more than around 6 hours of lucidity before the next attack.
> How are you doing?
> Love to all,
> DG
> Dalton H. Garis
> Flushing, Queens
> New York, USA
> From: Janice Nichols <jan...@centurytel.net>
> Date: Tuesday, 26 January 2012 10:23 AM
> To: Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com>, Janet Dunn <j.d...@shaw.ca>, 
> <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Looking for input.
> Dalton, how are you doing with your seizures?     Haven’t heard much about it 
> lately.     Hope it means there is vast improvement.
> Janice
> From: Dalton Garis
> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 9:59 PM
> To: Janet Dunn ; tmic-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Looking for input.
> We love you, and your struggle;
> It is all of our struggles, also.  Our solidarity has done sooo much to keep 
> me going, to get up and try to make something useful of the lucid and 
> non-distracted time I can get.
> DG
> Dalton H. Garis
> Flushing, Queens
> New York, USA
> From: Janet Dunn <j.d...@shaw.ca>
> Date: Monday, 25 January 2012 10:43 PM
> To: "tmic-list@eskimo.com" <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Looking for input.
> Resent-From: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
> Resent-Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 19:48:11 -0700
> Thank you for all of the replies.  I am going to try the baclofen as needed.  
> Yes, I am taking other meds - effexor, welbutrin, oxycontin fast acting, and 
> oxycontin time release, and either tylenol or advil.  I also have flexeril if 
> I need it.
> I have come to the conclusion that it is a combination of the  lack of Lyrica 
> and  the heat.  Hot for us where I live is 24 degrees celcius - which is 
> about 75 degrees.  Cold is -35 or 40.
> I don't want to go back on the Lyrica, so I am going to try the baclofen.  I 
> have never had spasms like this before.  Wow - how some of you live with 
> bigger and badder (I know, I know) spasms is beyond me.  I cannot tolerate 
> the pain and uncomfortableness of the darn things.
> Always something new to enjoy ahem, ahem.  It will be eight years in August 
> for me, and this disease never ceases to frustrate me.
> Thanks again, so glad we are such a friendly helpful group.  I will not whine 
> about the heat again after hearing how hot it is in Texas, and other places.  
> Where I live we may get one or two days of 30 Celcius which is about 82ish.  
> And then we get an awesome thunder show.
> Take care my friends, 
> Love Janet

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