Hi Janice,


You might notice familiar verbiage in here, I borrowed some from others emails, 
less to type and they explained it well.  I hope you all don’t mind.

In June 2008 I woke up with a hard to define, numb but not totally numb feeling 
in both feet.  Within 4 days it was up to my waist, at some point it affected 
my bladder and bowls.  In about 3 weeks I woke up and couldn’t walk or stand, 
left leg just didn’t work and right leg was better but not good.  Went into the 
hospital for 5 days of steroids, then to rehab for about 3 weeks to learn to 
walk again (just me and my Foley catheter, which stayed with me for over a 
month).  My numbness turned to pain as well as incorrect temperature sensation 
in legs and hypersensitivity to touch and fabrics.  My pants and shoes 
electrocute me, I can only wear 100 – 97% cotton knit pants and Easy Spirit 
slip on shoes, period!


I have and still do take multiple pain and nerve medications every 4 hours and 
more before bed and in morning in order to function daily. At the end of each 
med cycle, I am very aware of the pain creeping back in.  I agree with Betty, 
the constant daily pain of TM really wears on your body and soul - and getting 
older isn't helping!


I just had a pain pump implanted because I know I can’t last 20 or so more 
years with this level of pain.  The medication is Prialt and it has to be 
titrated slowly.  June 5th pump implanted with a level 2 for meds, two weeks 
later up to 3, yesterday 3.5, next week 4, etc.  Doctor said most start to feel 
it around 4.  Currently I have a UTI, started antibiotics Monday night so 
haven't done much yet.  Plus have an "I overdid it" pain starting from last 
week and continuing this week due life.  It’s hard to tell if pump is working 
with those 2 extra pain additions.

They say I have MS which caused the TM but my Neurologist and pain doctor both 
say the TM is what’s causing the pain.  It’s the lesion in the spine whether 
you call it TM or MS.  

To sum up Janice:

-       I would say it started with pain, keeps getting worse along the way.  

-       Meds are helping a little but pain is still 6 to 9 most days.

-       I still work full time (desk job), so I don’t get to stretch and 
exercise daily as MS patients are supposed to.  Keep wondering, if I was home 
stretching, exercising, meditating, resting etc. daily if it would be any 


Make it a great day,



From: Janice Nichols [mailto:jannic...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 10:39 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC]




When I have read the stories of how TM first attacked you all, some/many have 
said that you had a severe pain around the

middle of your body – banding.    And for some, it has stayed with you.    I 
would like a response from all of you as to whether

or not your TM started with the severe pain or not.     Also, is it still with 
you today or did it get better with time/meds.

I would like to be able to give my doc some kind of percentage of how TM has 
hit myself and others.   Would really appreciate






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