Remy Maucherat wrote:

> No, sorry, I don't like the whole idea. We also have some work left to
> do to split the main Catalina JAR. I'm quite happy with the current
> distributions overall, and users apparently are also.

The current distribution remains - I'm just proposing to also distribute
individual .jars. We could also start distributing the individual .wars.

Tomcat source are already very componentized - utils, coyote, jasper, 
catalina, jk, http, webapps. Each of those can be used in other containers,
and we have relatively stable APIs.

I think this is very good - and we should plan on switching to
micro-releases of individual components. The current release cycle and 
complexity is too big IMHO. 
> I would also like the version number to be in the directory (ie, not all
> releases coexist in the same dir).

I would like version number in the directory - but that's what we have in
the current dist/ layout. It's much easier to just use what we have and
build from it. 
I don't like version number in jar - at least not for runtime. Having the 
version in dir and the simple .jar name is clearly better for this use case.

But my proposal is in the middle - the distributed jars can be downloaded
with both version number or without. If you want a specific version and you
want to use the non-versioned name at runtime - just rename or specifiy an 
unversioned name as target.

In the end it really doesn't matter where the version number sits - it
has to be somewhere, and we can control the name of the downloaded jar.

BTW, the goals of this are:
1. Increase the "componentization" of tomcat. In future we may be able to 
get to more incremental and simpler releases of individual components. 

2. Simpler downloads for people who use only parts of tomcat, and simpler
downloads for us if commons components we use are available as .jars.

3. Maybe we'll be able to support an "upgrade" feature, or patch releases
For example, if a bug is found in jasper we can build&test against the 
latest stable release and distribute only the fixed jasper, without having
to do a full release of tomcat. ( that would be more important for 5.0, 
since 4.1.x is mostly "stable" and less likely to change ).



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