On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Costin Manolache wrote:

| It's not about "pick and choose" - we control the list that makes up a
| stable release.

[ ... ]

| At any givent time, "Tomcat stable" will be the latest major release (
| 4.1.24 ) plus any additional patches that we test. All OS vendors have
| "patches" that include updates to individual components ( well, Microsoft
| has the huge service packs, but most other just update very specific
| components ).

What about having the Tomcat version number, e.g. "Tomcat 4.1.40", being
the entire _set of jars_? So that, if you upgrade one of the jars in the
package, you'd have to make a new Tomcat 4.1.41, with maybe a little
"human readable diff" textfile for each minor-release: "Jasper,
because of a security hole (http://buglink) in". This means that
a Tomcat version is simply a tag on the "slice" of its components.

Endre Stølsvik               M[+47 93054050] F[+47 51625182]
Developer @ CoreTrek AS         -  http://www.coretrek.com/
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