Remy Maucherat wrote:

> If it's just to be used for build tools, then it's ok (and no need for a
> proposal, it just needs to get done). The trouble starts if users start
> thinking they can use that to upgrade to a newer release, just by
> upgrading one or two JARs (or ever worse, mixing components). Then
> there's trouble.

Mixing components may be bad - since it is not tested or supported.

However upgrading only and individual component may be very good in 
the future. Why do you think that "patch releases" ( where only 
few individual .jars are updated ) are bad ? 

For example if we fix something in jk - should we have to make a full
new release of tomcat ? Same for jasper, catalina, etc. 

As long as we test the new jar against the stable version - and _we_ 
recommend the components that should be mixed - I think it is far 
better way to upgrade. 


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