Remy Maucherat wrote:

> Remy Maucherat wrote:
>> Costin Manolache wrote:
>>> Remy,
>>> Could you move the manager servlets to webapps/manager ? As you can
>>> see, I can't touch build.xml without breaking something :-).
>>> I would also like to move the coyote/tomcat5 code in catalina - and
>>> eventually coyote/tomcat4 to jakarta-tomcat-4 and same for 3.3
>>> ( preserving the same package names, I just want the code to be
>>> included in
>>> catalina.jar and in catalina sources ).
>>> The problem is that tomcat-coyote.jar is now dependent on all tomcats.
>> Yes. All of these are logical steps, which have to be done gradually.
> BTW, there's weird stuff going on, that I noticed with the new status
> servlet.
> The problem is that, when I refresh, the requestCount goes up by two
> (?). I think it should be only one. Also, the max request time has a
> tendency to become equal to the connection timeout (which indicates the
> stats get updated in a situation where it shouldn't).

For the first part: aren't you using a stylesheet ? That will be downloaded
as well when you refresh ? 

For the second: that's weird. I haven't seen it. Note that maxTime is R/W - 
a monitoring app can periodically reset it ( for example if you want maxTime
for intervals ). 

( BTW - sorry for the previous post with -1, but I really hate web pages
that work only on MSIE )


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