Mladen Turk wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Henri Gomez

Well I'd like to see jk 1.2.x continuing its slow maintenance cycle since it's the most used module for now.

And start from scratch the new mod_coyote.

Ok, but let's try to make the code 'reusable', protocol and basic config tree should be in a separate files, so that we can


make something simmilar for other web servers if there will

be enough

interest, or make a generic 'apr/apr-util' like library, so


that uses 'ap_xxx' calls should go in mod_coyote.

Well if we want mod_coyote included in Apache 2.x tree, we shouldn't have too much files. Also I'd like to avoid too many wrapper calls functions.

protocol, transport, config, log, utils and mod. (cca 6 files + 2 includes).

Seems reasonable.

So, what cannot be build without ap_api should go to mod_ file itself.
Also all the config should be API based (not directly setting elements).

Example please ?

The main purpose is to able to 'reuse' the code, but not directly, so that
it's core
parts like config, protocol and transport can be ported to other servers,
'reasonably' low efforts.


By that I mean that if we need to read from the server we use the high-level
function that will do that, (probably wrapping few ap_xxx calls).

It's only a matter of 'strategy' used :).

Of course.

Also having a ajp style library could help us make so AJP based stress
tests applications, a little like ApacheBench.

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