Vicenc Beltran Querol wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm not trying to be a Tomcat developer. I'm working on my PhD on web 
performance and just decided to share with you the experimental code I've 
developed after studying the performance obtained ;).

I've done some serious testings with HTTP server and NIO. The results were always bad for NIO. Blocking I/O is minimum 25% faster then NIO.

You may tray that simply by using demo HTTP servers
Blocking/Blocking Pool/NIO single thread/NIO multiple threads
that comes with new Java6 (see for sources).

OTOH, I'm sure you must have some performance results :) Simply run the 'ab -n 100000 -c 100 -k host:8080/tomcat.gif' with your patch and standard Tomcat5.5.9.

Anyway, it's OK. I'll work on the new patch and resubmit it.



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