Hi all,
I've tried searching archives and bugzilla for this but have come up
empty handed.  I am running Tomcat 4.1.30 on RedHat 9.  My java version
is 1.4.2.
One thing I have noticed is that there is only one java thread when I
start tomcat.  On a previous install there had been about 8.  Here is
the output of ps -ef relative to tomcat:
tomcat   13074     1  0 Mar11 ?        00:00:32 /usr/local/java/bin/java
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/tomcat/common/endorsed -classpath
Here is my problem:
I have a jsp form that accepts user input which is then verified and
sent off for processing.  I have approximately 10 forms set up for 10
different clients.  Each form has a specific serial number hard coded in
it which gets passed to the java bean processing the data- this way we
can easily identify which client the data is being processed for.  What
is happening is that information is getting crossed between clients and
information for client A gets processed under client B's account.  This
only appears to be happening for 4 of the clients - which happen to be
the ones processing the most data.  Researching the problem shows that
my app is sending the wrong serial number.
The only thing I can narrow it down to is Tomcat/Java.  Like I said the
serial numbers are hard coded on the jsp pages.  Everytime this jsp page
is submitted it forms its own instance of my java bean which can be
called one or more times.  So I guess my question is - is it possible
that somehow information from one thread is leaking to another thread?  

Thanks in advance.

Denise Mangano 
Complus Data Innovations, Inc. 


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