I've been running a ton of benchmarks the last 3 weeks
for the Tomcat Performance book with Remy.
General questions like that are very hard to answer.
Most performance issues are the result of bad design
and poor administration.

If some one is telling you "tomcat can't perform."
they need to back it up with numbers. I'm assuming
this is for an existing site, so you should have some
web access logs to look at.  If you're asking, "Can
tomcat handle 1000 requests/second?" I would say it
depends on the hardware, setup and the page. If it's a
static page, then I would say depends on the hardware.
But here's the catch.  How many of those requests are
for images? and how many page views does that equal?

I can gaurantee that unless your Yahoo who gets
1.5billion page views a day, you're not going to get
1000 page views a second. Based on the recent
presentation at PHPCon by a yahoo staff member, their
average pageview per second per machine is around 4.
They also have 4500 servers, so again be specific
about what kinds of apps, the response threshold and
peak loads.

I know there are some major sites using Tomcat, though
many aren't allowed to acknowledge publicly.

I hope that helps. by the way, most of the benchmarks
out there comparing performance of servlet containers
are flawed and synthetic. In my own test with tomcat
4.1.12 with Orion's old jsp test page, Tomcat was
faster than orion 1.5.3.  It's very easy to write test
pages that makes one server appear faster than

peter lin

--- "Anecito, Anthony (HQP)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi All,
> I am looking at Tomcat for production and seeing
> some things that make me
> question its use for production. I believe what
> Jakarta group is doing is a
> great thing for all of us looking for cheaper
> alternatives but there is may
> be a serious issue to using Tomcat. I have seen and
> now read concern about
> Tomcat's performance. I found an interesting tidbit
> in a newsgroup about
> Tomcat performance and a reference to some
> benchmarks. The benchmarks were
> done in 2001 and are out of date but even today I
> still hear of concerns
> regarding Tomcat performance and even my peers are
> saying it is a "reference
> implementation only". The links are as follows:
> imitsystems.com&rnum=4
> http://www.orionserver.com/benchmarks/benchmark.html
> If anyone knows of some more up to date information
> regarding this issue
> please let me know. I would really appreciate the
> feedback!

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