Well, this is probably a holy war, but:

1.  Orion is a "competitor" to Tomcat making benchmarks from them
automatically suspect (at the very least biased)...that URL is 2 years
old...massive changes have been made to Tomcat since

2.  I have a server right now that has 20 distinct instances of Tomcat on
it, is serving a fairly sustained rate of 500kbps-1.2Mbps with several
hundreds of open connections.  About 1.3 million hits a month, but hits are
misleading.  CPU load (dual P3-1.2) is averaging 31%.  4GB of RAM, memory
used averages about 2.2GB.  Red Hat 7.2, Tomcat 3.1.

So, based on my experience with a server running an ancient version of
Tomcat, I would say Tomcat is just fine, given a correct configuration.

That said, Remy and Peter Lin have a Tomcat performance tuning book due out
this spring, so from my point of view, performance concerns with Tomcat are
the least of my problems.  But that's me.  My bosses are happy, that's all I
need to know. ;)

I think the traffic on this list bears out that, by and large, performance
gains (or problems) are a result of application architecture, not the
application doing the serving.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anecito, Anthony (HQP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 12:50 PM
> Subject: Tomcat Performance Concerns
> Hi All,
> I am looking at Tomcat for production and seeing some things 
> that make me
> question its use for production. I believe what Jakarta group 
> is doing is a
> great thing for all of us looking for cheaper alternatives 
> but there is may
> be a serious issue to using Tomcat. I have seen and now read 
> concern about
> Tomcat's performance. I found an interesting tidbit in a 
> newsgroup about
> Tomcat performance and a reference to some benchmarks. The 
> benchmarks were
> done in 2001 and are out of date but even today I still hear 
> of concerns
> regarding Tomcat performance and even my peers are saying it 
> is a "reference
> implementation only". The links are as follows:
> http://groups.google.com/groups?q=performance+vs+tomcat+weblog
> ic+websphere&h
> l=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&scoring=d&selm=HOEFIONAHHKFEFENBMNOAEPPCBAA.
> rsanford%40nol
> imitsystems.com&rnum=4
> http://www.orionserver.com/benchmarks/benchmark.html
> If anyone knows of some more up to date information regarding 
> this issue
> please let me know. I would really appreciate the feedback!

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