Tell your peers to vent some of that gas if they are basing their
"rumblings" on data that's 2 years old. :)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anecito, Anthony (HQP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 1:27 PM
> To: 'Shapira, Yoav'; Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: Tomcat Performance Concerns
> Hi Shapira,
> Many thanks for the reply. I agree with your list below but 
> am looking for
> some simple benchmarks to start with. Also, a previous 
> response to this
> posting by John Turner indicated a tuning book that may 
> resolve some of the
> concerns by my peers about performance and I look forward to 
> reading the
> book and trying some of its suggestions myself.
> Again, I am not trying cause a "Holy War" but just looking 
> for some help. I
> really do believe in what is being done by Jakarta group but 
> want to quell
> some rumblings by my peers.
> Many Thanks,
> Tony
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 10:09 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: Tomcat Performance Concerns
> Howdy,
> >Tomcat performance and a reference to some benchmarks. The benchmarks
> were
> >done in 2001 and are out of date 
> Very out of date.  Referring to a previous (3.x) generation of Tomcat,
> which is much slower than the current (4.1.x) implementation.
> I haven't used Orion, but looking at their front page
> ( I see a couple of things 
> relevant to this
> discussion:
> - Current release of Orion is a full J2EE server.  Tomcat isn't and
> doesn't try to be.
> - Current release of Orion supports the Servlet 2.2 (and the "Public
> Draft") of Servlet 2.3 standards.  That is too funny to even 
> comment on.
> - Current release of Orion is $1500 per physical server for commercial
> use.   Not Weblogic-level pricing at least ;)
> Their benchmark page
> (
> Claims "One of the main goals for the Orion Application 
> Server has been
> to outperform everything else on the market".  Very nice goal.  Why
> haven't they bothered to update their benchmarks in a long time?
> >but even today I still hear of concerns
> >regarding Tomcat performance and even my peers are saying it is a
> >"reference
> >implementation only". 
> Your peers are not up to date on this particular question.  
> Tomcat is a
> reference implementation in the sense that it strives to implement the
> servlet and JSP specifications as closely and strictly as possible.
> However, it adds many features above and beyond the 
> specification.  And
> being a "reference implementation" does not necessarily mean a slow
> implementation.
> Like the Orion benchmark page says, and the several 
> discussions per year
> we have on this list all conclude, it comes down to:
> - Establishing the required performance level for your application
> - Creating stress tests to simulate real stress 
> - Running the stress tests with your application on various containers
> - Tweaking / tuning whatever possible
> - Repeat until satisfied.
> Personally, and I can't share the actual numbers due to legal
> restrictions in my company, we've benchmarked our app with extensive
> tuning on Orion, Resin, and Jetty and found Tomcat to be superior.
> Yoav Shapira
> Millennium ChemInformatics
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