The plan remy and I had was to make all of it available, source, binaries, sample data 
and so on.  Let me run that by the editors and see if it's cool for me to release the 
test webapp early.  the webapp itself is simple, but the tools I wrote to generate the 
test plans, test data and so on are useful. when appropriate, we've tried to include 
as much of the why.  for example, to illustrate the impact of normalized/complex data 
model, I ran benchmarks with different dataset sizes to show how it impacts 
performance. I also tried to go into why one would use a flat data model vs a 
normalized one.
Most of it leads back to functional requirements and educating management about how 
features impact design, which have real and measurable impact on performance.
peter lin
 Will Hartung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> From: "Peter Lin" 
> Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 6:17 AM
> Subject: Re: Tomcat Performance Concerns

> 9. tool for generating jmeter test plan from tomcat access logs

What a great idea, that never occured to me (I haven't looked at the access
log valve much, can it include POST information?

> I have tried to provide as much as I can and hopefully
> when it's all done, people will find it useful. I'll
> let remy speak for himself :)

That list looks really good and hits a lot of issues that most folks are
doing. My only hope is that you're putting a lot of WHY into your text, not
just HOW.


Will Hartung

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