iPhone;516462 Wrote: 
> The Touch works well in Standalone Mode (TinySBS). It is just a little
> rough around the edges ....
> Don't hold me to this, but I think I remember the NTFS issue being
> resolved. But if it hasn't been already, from everything I have heard it
> will be a supported drive format. .. 
I can live with a rough edge or two.
NTFS would be nice, but I don't have a problem with needing to buy an
extra portable drive, assuming they still come with FAT32 formatting. 

I have three Western Digital "My Passport" drives. The new models come
with two partitions - the main one, plus a tiny one that "emulates" a CD
which is where their backup and other utility software is placed.  Would
the Touch be able to deal with such a drive?

R Johnson
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