Just a few observations...

If you have decent kit (Linn, Naim etc) then the power cord will make
no difference whatsoever as the PSU will have a decent design to reject
mains born noise. Linear voltage regulators internal to the amp can
remove noise on the input.

A good switching power supply won't make much difference as such
devices imported into the EU are certified to an extremely high
standard in terms of conducted and radiated emissions. You think
different then you have a dodgy power supply.

Having spent a fortune on a mains cable will convince yourself that it
sounds better. To save face more than anything.

As for mains transformer resonances... You have coils with millihenries
of inductance combined with nanofarads of capacitance. They will have
such a low Q factor, they will not be a problem.

The psycho-acoustics of music is a vast subject. It doesn't take much
change in mood to alter perception. What is constant is the science
which is often misunderstood and misquoted.

As for directional speaker cable...This can be rubbished by school boy

Waldo Pepper
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