Phil Leigh;654707 Wrote: 
> My tests were extensive and under reasonably controlled conditions.
> There was no difference recorded. I was using XP drivers for the
> M-Audio, but that shouldn't matter... YOU CANT GET A NULL BY ACCIDENT.
> You can get a difference by accident. 
> I have no idea why you recorded a difference: it would mean that the
> bitstream was different - which it simply cannot be/isn't. This is
> easily proven by other means (e.g playing DTS or HDCD).
My background is in (digital) computers, where bits don't usually get
lost without detection (although it can happen very rarely).  They do
get lost/mangled, but they then get detected and corrected.

I freely admit I don't understand real-time hi-fi digital processing. 
As a computer man, sending data without big buffers at either end and
the option to retransmit seems madness, but it seems that what audio
people decided to do.

All of this is leading up to saying that I don't understand some of
what you said above, especially the capitals.  Things can go wrong, but
a decent design would recover and correct loss.

I have no knowledge of, or facility to use, HDCD or DTS.

I do know that I did several runs, none of which came near to the
ideal, and they did vary a bit.

I also have no idea why my ADM reads 300 for a rip against itself but
you say 144 is perfect.  Something very strange there.  From what you
say you get 144 every time with SPDIF.  I never got close to 100.  So
my Touch, and/or SPDIF RCAs, and/or M-audio card, and/or drivers,
and/or etc.... are playing up, and playing up reasonably consistently. 

Not having a separate DAC this is only of theoretical interest to me. 
Trying to find the cause of what would appear to be a repeatable
'accident' is probably beyond me.


Server on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, 2 CPU, 2GHz, 4GB, FLAC files. Touch
on Ethernet (in another room).  Analogue out over 'a bit of wire' to
ageing Quad Hi-Fi. An old (wireless) laptop controls the server using
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