Triode;688788 Wrote: 
> So I suspect you are lucky there then - with the momentary frequency set
> at the sample frequency and not changing it looks like it is working
> without receiving any feedback messages.  However this is probably only
> ok as your dac's clock is close to the same frequency as the internal
> clock SBT is using to calculate how much data to send.  I suspect you
> do get clicks/pops but they are so far apart you don't notice...   If
> you had a hub in the way then I would expect the momentary frequency to
> update.

I installed a powered USB hub. The DAC is not recognized unless the hub
is powered on. If the hub is powered on when the Touch is rebooted there
is no need to worry about turn on sequences. Everything can be hooked up
and there does not seem to be any problem.

On the file formats that gave a Momentary Freq of 44000 they now will
switch to 44500. They stay at 44000 maybe 90 percent of the time. 
Results are similar for the 96k file except it cycles from 96000 to

Clicks and pops seem to be a thing of the past.


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