Interesting results so far - in that there's no clear benefit/degrade of
specific changes.  I though I'd share what the modification is in test
#2 to encourage more people to try if they are interested...

Test #2 contains 4 test case these are:
A: runs a process which does nothing (sleeps for a second and then
B: runs a process which uses as much cpu as possible, but runs as a
"IDLE" priority process, i.e. uses all cpu when no other processes are
C: as B but also reads and writes from random locations in memory
(memory block larger than the cache to create constant activity on the
memory bus)
D: does nothing

The basis of this is to examine the hypothersis that cpu load and
memory access have an impact on sound quality.  Its possible to argue
that the load on the cpu and or the frequency and duration of tasks
running on the cpu could have an impact on sound.  Also that turning
priorties and buffer lengths influence the durations different
processes spend running and the frequency they do.  I also note that
the linux kernel puts the cpu into a lower power mode whenever in the
kernel's idle process so spending more time in idle will mean lower
power load and also changing the time/frequency of the kernel doing
real work vs stitting in the idle process is likely to change the load
the cpu places on the cpu power rails.

Now my test case was to see whether cases B and C have noticable and
repeatable impact on audio quality in comparison to the two control
cases of A and D.  I would say from the existing data they do not.  The
inference from this would be that cpu load does not have a significant
bearing on the audio quality, but I wonder whether now you know the
test cases whether people are able to hear any difference....

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