Please take this discussion to the audiophile board - I am happy to
discuss there on the thread set up specifically to discuss sound quality
and tuning of EDO.  I will post a response there.  Anyone wishing to
follow this conversation can do so here:

In each of the cases below I fear you have probably been caught out by
the placebo effect - I can see no technical reason why settings will
have an impact on sound quality and I would like to end this
conversation here as it is distracting from conversation of the EDO app
and issues users have installing it.

SBGK wrote: 
> Can confirm that 0.7 version makes my ears bleed with it's strident
> treble, unlistenable in my setup, so something must have changed to
> alter the sound.
> For me 0.6 is near perfect, whether it is a technically worse version
> than 0.7 and 0.6 is compensating for some defiency in my setup - I don't
> know, but 0.6 sounds amazing for me. I'll stick with that for now.

SBGK wrote: 
> Do you have a view on why changing the settings in file
> /etc/squeezeplay/userpath/settings/SqueezeboxFab4.lua to point to the
> same device as in EnhancedDigitalOutput.lua seems to moderate the harsh
> sound that some have reported with the EDO mods ? 

SBGK wrote: 
> I remembered Soundchecks post on page 7 asking about the nrpacks
> parameter
> So tried a few options, EDO default is 8, I guess the recommendation is
> 1 for better latency. As is my want, I tried larger values and sure
> enough a less digital sound was produced, I have tried the value below
> and it works for all sample rates on my VLink 192 and the result is a
> gorgeous liquid sound. It's a keeper for me.
> echo 15000000000 > /sys/module/snd_usb_audio/parameters/nrpacks

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