My Twisted Pear Audio Opus DAC with USB Receiver (same company, TPA) and
Ballsie Single Ended converter (also same company) works flawlessly
using this method with a Belkin USB 2.0 hub and default buffering. 
Sounds great!  I personally think the treble and bass sound more
extended with default buffering but this is probably all in my head.  I
do have a pretty resolving system though.

I tried doing TT3.0 + those other mods but it was way too complicated
and either didn't work or didn't sound much better so I'm sticking with
this only and I'm a happy camper. 

I will post again when my ODAC comes (supports 24/96) and I will post
again when I convert this Opus DAC to use the TOSLINK Converter and
S/PDIF Receiver board.  

Thanks for the great work though.

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