Julf wrote: 
> Looking at it in another way, you don't actually sacrifice bits - you
> just don't gain any extra resolution when turning down the volume. The
> size of the smallest possible "step" stays the same, and thus the noise
> floor stays the same (but please don't think of the DAC output as a set
> of stairs - one of the most common fallacies in digital audio). So when
> you turn down the volume, the quantization noise stays the same, but the
> signal volume goes down, thus SNR goes down - but you still either hear
> the noise, or you don't. If you don't hear it at full volume, you won't
> heard it at lower volume either. 
> Yes, I know, I am definitely picking nits, but I just don't want to
> allow for any room to propagate the "digital volume control is
> detrimental to sound quality" myth... :)
> And let's not get into the subject of dithering... :)

OK that was a more proper explanation thanks, noise floor is noise floor
anyhow you curt it ,but it works ! I use digital volume in my own
speaker but with dither ;) it's a combo of large gain steps and then a
dithered digital volume control on top on that , probably overkill but
it is meridian .
You calibrate the whole rig against a 86dB target with a meter during
install so in practical use you never hear any noise from the equipment
(there are of-course a subset of user tweaking the files the settup
progrma sends to the processor and speakers to get more resolution ?)

I have tried to abuse the system , played an -112dB signal at full
volume I could hear it faintly if pressed my ear against a driver in
listening position it disappeared much sooner ,but still at full volume
which i never use

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