Mnyb wrote: 
> What this mean is that on low volume you of course sacrifice bits ,but
> then the volume IS actually low so you would never hear them from your
> listening position anyway.

Looking at it in another way, you don't actually sacrifice bits - you
just don't gain any extra resolution when turning down the volume. The
size of the smallest possible "step" stays the same, and thus the noise
floor stays the same (but please don't think of the DAC output as a set
of stairs - one of the most common fallacies in digital audio). So when
you turn down the volume, the quantization noise stays the same, but the
signal volume goes down, thus SNR goes down - but you still either hear
the noise, or you don't. If you don't hear it at full volume, you won't
heard it at lower volume either. 

Yes, I know, I am definitely picking nits, but I just don't want to
allow for any room to propagate the "digital volume control is
detrimental to sound quality" myth... :)

And let's not get into the subject of dithering... :)

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