hcanning wrote: 
> Thanks, I tried it and it worked a treat :) However:
> My system is as follows:
> Squeezebox Touch > Audiolab 8200DQ > Meridian 557 power amps (balanced)
> I also have an Onkyo AV amp hooked up to an analogue input on the
> Audiolab.
> With the USB cable attached between the Audiolab and the Touch, there's
> a rather prominent high-pitched whine from the speakers when I switch to
> the analogue input on the Audiolab.
> Disconnect the USB cable and it's gone.
> I'm back to optical for now!
> Any ideas?!
> Thanks :)

I would do some tests to try and narrow things down. Does the the whine
happen just when music is playing or all the time? Does it happen when
the Touch's power is unplugged? Does unplugging the USB cable from the
Touch make a difference? 

I'm thinking it might be a ground loop (I was involved in one recently
that went through a USB cable, so it CAN happen).

John S.

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