Hello Michael,

Following http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/SqueezeOSNetworking, I
tried the following:
- Remove Ethernet cable 
- Perform Factory Reset (via fab4 button) 
- Upon Language Screen appearing, choose English => beep => nothing
  else happens (Language Screen remains) 
- Connect USB-Keyboard; type CTL-ALT-F3 
- Login as root, pwd 1234 

Then, typing command: "ifconfig wlan0 up" (which works fine on my other
SBT) and which just gives:
# ifconfig wlan0 up
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device

OK, trying to set it in the Autostart script according to the wiki
chapter " Autostart wireless"

Autostart wireless
- Remove auto eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces : Done 
- Add auto wlan0=<SSID> in /etc/network/interfaces ('ifup -a' in
  '/etc/init.d/rcS' will start it): Done 
- Only remove disabled=1 from the one wireless setting to start in
  /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf: No wireless setting yet in that file 

Then, typing ifconfig => only interface lo is up...
manually firing up ifconfig wlan0 up => error message above
manually firing up eth0 => no error; etho appears after typing ifconfig

Should I try to startup the wlan0 interface with "ifup" instead of
"ifconfig ... up"? What is the full command-line syntax in this case?

If I only could get the SBT home-screen back...

Many thanks for your support

Kind regards

mherger wrote: 
> > On this SBT, trying to start the connection on the command line (no
> home
> > screen!) just gives:
> Can't you do another factory reset with the ethernet cable unplugged, 
> then try to configure it as WLAN?
> > => Is there really no way to restore an older firmware via the
> > ssh-connection? The problem appeared after a simple factory reset.
> The firmware you're using is what probably 90% of all Touch units out 
> there use. I doubt downgrading will help. And no, I still don't know how
> to do it manually. Did you check wiki.slimdevices.com?
> -- 
> Michael

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