@DLD-UK, I tried and experiment and am confused as to the results. I was
hypothesizing that LMS was not properly logged into mysb.com, and
perhaps that was causing your problem. I tried to recreate, and just
ended up confusing myself.

First, does your LMS settings->mysqueezebox.com look like this?:


If it does, I assume it means you are properly logged into mysb.com via
LMS. I logged out, then entered an incorrect pw, and it would not allow
login, so I assume seeing this screen (as opposed to username and
password fields) means you are properly logged in

So, I stayed logged out, restarted LMS, removed/reapplied power to my
touch, then went to settings->advanced->network->switch to mysb.com
(hoping to generate your error), and it worked fine, it allowed me to
access mysb.com even though I was logged out :confused: There must be
some cache involved there somewhere. Or, maybe the touch needs a factory

I have two other thoughts:

1) If you can post specific steps to your issue, perhaps with screen
shots or a photo of what your touch's complaint is, that might help.

2) If you have another machine (as a test) - PC, laptop, etc start with
a fresh install of LMS, then try to connect your touch to it. If you do
this, best to shutdown your original LMS, so that the touch only sees
the new one.


|Filename: mysb.png                                                 |
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