This seems to me already overly specific.  The only thing I can see
need is something that can "gantt" A MasterTickets tree, and sum
serial tasks up into a field in the parent ticket (ok, probably 2,
SEQUENTIAL, and totals)  Essentially what Agilo can do for linked
ticket types.  of course, most gantts use days as a time frame, and
most tickets use estimated hours, so a conversion.  I wouldn't even
want it to dynamically adjust on a ticket in progress.  A ticket is
either "complete" or fully in the chart.

That said, a macro, plus the TracGViz extension recently created,
would let you throw it out to google, then get back that information
in any fancy way you want.
I am COMPLETELY against patching trac core to support features for
purely resource planning, PM facilities.  I would however, welcome a
plugin, or set of plugins, if flexible.
Essentially, if you plot a master-tickets DepGraph sideways, and sum
up the paths,  you have your gantt, it has all the scenarios you
want.  parallell, sequential, both.  Just need to add in the sums, and
put dates on the plots.  I happen to use a feature-branch model, with
feature/child tickets, and create a "sub" milestone, so I am half way
there.  (and child tickets can have children....)

The ability for summed fields of "linked" tickets is more versatile
than just gannt charts.  business value points of "features", scoring
severity sums of ticket paths, etc.

So, right there, I think I have identified 2, maybe 3 separate plugins
that could be created as stand along, but leveraged into the whole

Just a thought.
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