yoheeb wrote:
> seems to me some sort of hierarchy should be considered, or
> "standardized" a bit for sub-wiki pages and sub-sub-wiki pages.
> I.e. SeaOfChange:
> blah blah....
> ...
> I am a big fan of wiki linking etc., but people still have to actually
> search the wiki, then dig a little, for specialized stuff.

Yes, there's already a lot in the Trac Wiki, but as in any wiki, it's 
only as good as its contributions, and it needs constant care. Sometimes 
the tool is at fault (and if there are identified weaknesses, we should 
fix them), sometimes it's just the social aspect. If this discussion has 
the only effect to encourage Trac users to get more out of *their* wiki 
at trac.edgewall.org, then this would have already been a great achievement.

For example, the TracFaq used to be quite useful in the 0.8 and 0.9 
days, perhaps still 0.10, but now it would need some serious update to 
reflect the current concerns of Trac use cases and caveats (as the 
Frequency of Asked Questions is evolving over time!). One concern with 
the FAQ page is that it grew too big, so one possibility would be to 
phase out the current page (TracFaq => OldTracFaq?) and restart a new 
one which should be kept minimal, mainly as a kind of index of the 
questions, redirecting to more specific pages for the answers (some 
could be TracFaq/ sub-pages, but not necessarily, don't forget we can 
easily link to sections in other pages which might just already contain 
the answer!).

I'm not sure if the original request (Trac Recipies) could fit in this 
renewed FAQ (maybe we need to see some concrete examples of such 
recipes), but if not, then we could just start a new TracRecipies/ 
hierarchy on trac.edgewall.org and the topics could be the ones picked 
from the page started by Remy 

And is it really "recipie" or should it be "recipe"?

> The current wiki setup does have a LOT of information on "typical" use
> cases.  For example, I was able to find out how to set up trac, to use
> apache and windows domain authentication, on windows, with subversion
> from the TracOnWindows....and a few other links that you end up
> getting to.  Being an Apache nit-wit, I then had to use the usergroup
> to ask some specific questions, which someone that knew anything about
> Apache wouldn't of needed to have specified.  In that case MAYBE, I
> should of gone to those wiki pages and added some notes.

One of the things I've found very useful in MoinMoin wikis (and 
certainly many other wikis have this feature but Trac), is the ability 
to have e-mail notifications upon changes to pages. This enables small 
"expert" communities to form and aggregate around topics and so there's 
a better chance that a given page will get maintained.

> Although, I must ask: Why is the Trac Documentation in .rst format,
> instead of trac wiki markup, 

It's not. Some people thought it would be a good idea to restart the 
documentation from scratch in .rst, targeting the use of Sphinx, but 
that effort has stagnated and others (me being in the front line) are 
quite skeptical to the very idea of using anything else than Trac's own 
wiki markup for the purpose of writing the Trac admin and user 
documentation. The Trac developer guide is another story and for that 
purpose, Sphinx seems to be perfectly suited.

> OR, why doesn't trac drop it's wiki
> format for straight .rst format, instead of having to use a markup
> block?  yes, maybe some of the docs existed before the tool...etc.
> Just a thought.

Because the barrier to entry is much lower for the Trac wiki markup, the 
likeliness is really low that a Trac user will learn yet another markup 
language (and .rst is not the most intuitive one) just for contributing 
a bit of her knowledge to the Trac knowledge base.
The Trac wiki is the most direct route between the potential contributor 
and its potential readers. This is true in the Trac environments we set 
up and work with, so I don't see why this couldn't be true for the 
trac.egdewall.org's Trac.

-- Christian

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