Hi Mari,

2010/10/17 Mari Morimoto <mm...@singnet.com.sg>:
> 二つ目のパラグラフ、訂正します。


> 森本
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mari Morimoto" <mm...@singnet.com.sg>
> To: "OpenOffice Translate" <translate@ja.openoffice.org>
> Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 9:40 PM
> Subject: [ja-translate] Re: [ooo-announce] Ten Years:
> OpenOffice.org査読お願いします。
>> 森本です。
>> 中田さんに出した返信、皆さんに回っていると思っていました。
>> 気がついたら 皆さんに翻訳宣言していないことがわかりました。 すみません。
>> そんなわけで 中田さんに言われた段階を 一段階飛ばして、査読のお願いです。
>> 当然ですが、英文とあわせて読んでください。 私自身内容がいまいちわかっていない
>> ところもありますので、よろしくお願いいたします。
>> **************************************
>> From: Louis Suarez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com>
>> Subject: [ooo-announce] Ten Years: OpenOffice.org
>> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 17:55:22 -0400
>> OOoのコミュニティー開発マネージャー Louis Suarez-Potts氏からのメール
>> All, a belated happy birthday!
>> 皆さん 遅ればせながら、設立記念日(誕生日)おめでとう!
>> Ten years ago, on 13 October 2000, Sun released the source code to
>> StarOffice under open-source licenses. Formidable in size and complexity and
>> positioned against a seemingly overwhelmingly dominant competitor,
>> OpenOffice.org was seen as at best, foolish, at worse, boring, fit only for
>> office drones. Browsers, it was said, have more fun.
>> 10年前、2000年10月13日にSunはオープンソースのライセンスのもと、StarOfficeにソース・コードを公開しました。驚異的なサイズで複雑な、しかも異常に市場を独占している競争相手に対抗するようなOpenOffice.orgは
>>  よく言って愚かな物に、悪く言えばオフィスの働き蜂のための退屈なものとして見られました。ブラウザのほうがよほど面白い、と言われました。
>> But we, the OpenOffice.org project community, showed these skeptics to be
>> wrong. We showed the world that a free office productivity suite using open
>> standards, especially what later came to be known as the OpenDocument Format
>> (ODF), is more desirable, more powerful, and more transformative than any
>> browser could be. We, the OpenOffice.org project community, gave the world a
>> set of tools that allows all to participate as equals in the fields of
>> commerce, science, education, government, to name but a few.
>> しかし、私たちOpenOffice.orgのプロジェクトコミュニティーはその懐疑は間違いであったことを見せつけました。オープン・スタンダードを使った無料のオフィス・スイートは、特に後にOpenDocument
>> Format(ODF)として知られたも の
>> は他のどのブラウザよりもより望ましく、よりパワフルで、より変更可能なあるものだと世界に見せつけました。 
>> 私たちOpenOffice.orgのプロジェクトコミュニティーは 
>> 商業、科学、教育、政府など列挙できるいくつかの分野で、全ての人が平等に参加できるツールを提供しました。
> 列挙できるーー> 枚挙にいとまのない色々な分野で
>> We have given the world the tools to do things and to work together. With
>> OpenOffice.org, people produce - and their productions are theirs to keep
>> and do with as they will. That is real freedom.
>> 私たちは世界が皆一緒に何かをしたり働いたりできるツールを提供しました。そのOpenOffice.org 
>> で人々は何かを生産することができ、しかもその生産したものを保持し、自分達が使いたいように使えるのです。これが本来の自由です。
>> It is a freedom that today perhaps 100 million people enjoy. In some
>> regions, our product's usage is greater than 20 percent of the office suite
>> userbase. How have we done this? And without spending the expected billions
>> on advertising and other marketing efforts? To a great extent,
>> OpenOffice.org, the application made by us, the community, sells itself, and
>> its good news is spread through word of mouth, not via billboards and the
>> like.
>> 今日おそらく一億人の人々がその自由を謳歌しています。地域によってはオフィス・スイートのユーザーの20パーセント以上がOpenOffice.orgを使っています。どうやってこれを達成したのでしょう?
>>  何億ドルという広告費やほかの営業努力をせずにどうやってできたのでしょう? その大きな部分は OpenOffice.org,
>> 私たちが作ったアプリケーションそのものが、(そしてその)コ
>> ミュニティーがOpenOffice.orgを広めました。良いニュースは広告などによるのではなく、口こみで広がります。
>> Its professional quality and performance is tremendously persuasive.
>> OpenOffice.org works on all platforms and in over a hundred languages, and
>> perhaps most important, it also works well with other suites: our code and
>> our use of the ODF means there is no vendor lock-in. Users, from those in
>> government offices to individuals at home, are free to choose what is best
>> for them without the anxiety they'll be stuck with something they do not
>> much like but costs a lot.
>> その質の高い専門性や実績は非常に説得力のあるものです。OpenOffice.orgは全てのプラットフォームで、100以上の異なる言語で動き、しかもおそらく一番重要なことは他のオフィス・スイートとも相容れあうことです。私たちのコード及びODFの使用は企業との垣根を取り払っています。政府の役人から家で使う個人ユーザーまで、本当に気に入っているわけでもないとか価格が高すぎることに悩むことなく、ベストなものを自由に選ぶことができます。
>> They have chosen OpenOffice.org, and we are sure they will continue to do
>> so in even greater numbers over the next ten years. They choose it today it
>> not simply because it costs them nothing to download from our site, but
>> because of its professional quality and flexibility - as well as its
>> reassuring consistency.
>> ユーザーはOpenOffice.orgを選びました。彼らが今後も使い続け、次の10年にはさらに多くの人がユーザーになることを私たちは確信しています。 
>> 今日彼らがOpenOffice.orgを選んだのは単にサイトから無料でダウンロードできるからと言うことではなく、その高い専門性と柔軟性、そしてその安心できる一貫性です。
>> Over the last ten years, we have regularly released small and large
>> versions incorporating new features, functionality, and design, all tested
>> and qualified for any user environment. This fall, we are releasing
>> OpenOffice.org 3.3, and the beta is available for community testing. Expect
>> more releases-and also a lot more extensions.
>> この10年間、私たちは絶え間なく新しい性能、機能、デザインに対応する大小の追加バージョンをリリースし、その全てはテストされ、どの環境にも適応させてきました。この秋にはOpenOffice.org3.3をリリースし、そのベータ(the
>> beta)は現在コ ミュニティーでテストすることができます。更なるリリースやたくさんのエクステンションも発表されるでしょう。
>> With extensions, there is virtually no limit to what the application can
>> do, and every day the community makes more available under a variety of
>> licenses. These address individual, as well as enterprise, needs. Support,
>> services, and training, offered by Oracle and other large and small
>> companies, is globally available in a host of languages; these all
>> complement the free community support and constitute a portion of the large
>> and growing OpenOffice.org ecosystem.
>> エクステンションに関して言えば、アプリケーションができることに事実上限界はありません。色々なライセンスのもと、コミュニティーは毎日色々なものを開発しています。これは個人及び法人のニーズに対応しています。サポート、サービスやトレーンングは世界中でそれぞれの言語でOracle及び他の大小の法人によって提供されています。これらはフリー・コミュニティー・サポートと補完関係にあり、成長し続けるOpenOffice.orgのエコシスの大きな部分になっています。
>> And our momentum is building, as the size and complexity of the community
>> contributing to the project grows and as more see in OpenOffice.org a future
>> they want to be part of. It's a future of freedom that we commit to, as a
>> community that includes Oracle as well other enterprises, and countless
>> thousands of independent contributors.
>> プロジェクトに加わるコミュニティーが大きく複雑さは増すにつれ、さらに将来の参加者が増えることが予想され、勢いがつきつつあります(は築かれつつあります)。
>> Our first ten years have proven the strength of our vision and technology
>> against every imaginable challenge; the next - well, who can say? Only this:
>> we commit to making the tools of productivity,  growing the community, and
>> improving the product - open to all to inspect, use, improve, distribute,
>> and we invite the world to join us in our commitment.
>> 最初の10年は 全ての考えうる挑戦に対して、私たちの強さと先見性を証明しました。では次の10年はー 誰が何を言えるでしょう? 
>> ただ言えることは:私たちは生産性のあるツールを作り、コミュニティーを成長させ、製品を改良することに専念しますー誰もが検査、使用、改良、配給(流通)できるように開放し、世界中の人々が私たちの志に加わるように薦めます。
>> Happy Birthday, OpenOffice.org!
>> 設立記念日(誕生日)おめでとう、OpenOffice.org
>> On behalf of the OpenOffice.org Project,
>> OpenOffice.orgプロジェクトを代表して
>> Louis Suarez-Potts
>> Community Development Manager
>> コミュニティー開発マネージャー
>> OpenOffice.org
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Maho NAKATA" <cha...@mac.com>
>> To: <mm...@singnet.com.sg>
>> Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 11:52 AM
>> Subject: Re: [ooo-announce] Ten Years: OpenOffice.org翻訳します。
>>> 森本さん、
>>> 中田真秀です。
>>> Great.
>>> すばらしいです。
>>> タイトルはこのままで結構です。
>>> ところで、シンガポール在住ですよね(mail addressから類推)
>>> 何をされてるのですか?
>>> 詮索失礼しました。
>>> どうか楽しんでください!
>>> thank you!
>>> From: "Mari Morimoto" <mm...@singnet.com.sg>
>>> Subject: Re: [ooo-announce] Ten Years: OpenOffice.org翻訳します。
>>> Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 11:47:48 +0900
>>>> 森本です。
>>>> やります。
>>>> 今日もまた暇で何をしようかなあ、、、と思っていたところです。
>>>> これはメールですよね。 タイトルはこのままでよいですね?
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Maho NAKATA" <m...@openoffice.org>
>>>> To: <mm...@singnet.com.sg>
>>>> Cc: <khir...@gmail.com>
>>>> Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 10:59 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [ooo-announce] Ten Years: OpenOffice.org
>>>>> 森本さん、
>>>>> (Cc:平野さん)
>>>>> これも訳してみませんか。
>>>>> これはなるべく早くアナウンスしたいので、さっと訳してすぐマーケティング
>>>>> に
>>>>> 送っていただけるとありがたいです。
>>>>> やるべきことは
>>>>> 1. これを訳したいと宣言
>>>>> 2. 訳を提出、査読
>>>>> 3. 平野さんに回す
>>>>> 大槻さんはレスポンス悪すぎるので、bypassします。
>>>>> では。
>>>>> From: Louis Suarez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com>
>>>>> Subject: [ooo-announce] Ten Years: OpenOffice.org
>>>>> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 17:55:22 -0400
>>>>>> All, a belated happy birthday!
>>>>>> Ten years ago, on 13 October 2000, Sun released the source code to
>>>>>> StarOffice under open-source licenses. Formidable in size and
>>>>>> complexity and positioned against a seemingly overwhelmingly dominant
>>>>>> competitor, OpenOffice.org was seen as at best, foolish, at worse,
>>>>>> boring, fit only for office drones. Browsers, it was said, have more
>>>>>> fun.
>>>>>> But we, the OpenOffice.org project community, showed these skeptics to
>>>>>> be wrong. We showed the world that a free office productivity suite
>>>>>> using open standards, especially what later came to be known as the
>>>>>> OpenDocument Format (ODF), is more desirable, more powerful, and more
>>>>>> transformative than any browser could be. We, the OpenOffice.org
>>>>>> project community, gave the world a set of tools that allows all to
>>>>>> participate as equals in the fields of commerce, science, education,
>>>>>> government, to name but a few.
>>>>>> We have given the world the tools to do things and to work
>>>>>> together. With OpenOffice.org, people produce - and their productions
>>>>>> are theirs to keep and do with as they will. That is real freedom.
>>>>>> It is a freedom that today perhaps 100 million people enjoy. In some
>>>>>> regions, our product's usage is greater than 20 percent of the office
>>>>>> suite userbase. How have we done this? And without spending the
>>>>>> expected billions on advertising and other marketing efforts? To a
>>>>>> great extent, OpenOffice.org, the application made by us, the
>>>>>> community, sells itself, and its good news is spread through word of
>>>>>> mouth, not via billboards and the like. Its professional quality and
>>>>>> performance is tremendously persuasive. OpenOffice.org works on all
>>>>>> platforms and in over a hundred languages, and perhaps most important,
>>>>>> it also works well with other suites: our code and our use of the ODF
>>>>>> means there is no vendor lock-in. Users, from those in government
>>>>>> offices to individuals at home, are free to choose what is best for
>>>>>> them without the anxiety they'll be stuck with something they do not
>>>>>> much like but costs a lot.
>>>>>> They have chosen OpenOffice.org, and we are sure they will continue to
>>>>>> do so in even greater numbers over the next ten years. They choose it
>>>>>> today it not simply because it costs them nothing to download from our
>>>>>> site, but because of its professional quality and flexibility - as
>>>>>> well as its reassuring consistency. Over the last ten years, we have
>>>>>> regularly released small and large versions incorporating new
>>>>>> features, functionality, and design, all tested and qualified for any
>>>>>> user environment. This fall, we are releasing OpenOffice.org 3.3, and
>>>>>> the beta is available for community testing. Expect more releases-and
>>>>>> also a lot more extensions.
>>>>>> With extensions, there is virtually no limit to what the application
>>>>>> can do, and every day the community makes more available under a
>>>>>> variety of licenses. These address individual, as well as enterprise,
>>>>>> needs. Support, services, and training, offered by Oracle and other
>>>>>> large and small companies, is globally available in a host of
>>>>>> languages; these all complement the free community support and
>>>>>> constitute a portion of the large and growing OpenOffice.org
>>>>>> ecosystem.
>>>>>> And our momentum is building, as the size and complexity of the
>>>>>> community contributing to the project grows and as more see in
>>>>>> OpenOffice.org a future they want to be part of. It's a future of
>>>>>> freedom that we commit to, as a community that includes Oracle as well
>>>>>> other enterprises, and countless thousands of independent
>>>>>> contributors.
>>>>>> Our first ten years have proven the strength of our vision and
>>>>>> technology against every imaginable challenge; the next - well, who
>>>>>> can say? Only this: we commit to making the tools of productivity,
>>>>>> growing the community, and improving the product - open to all to
>>>>>> inspect, use, improve, distribute, and we invite the world to join us
>>>>>> in our commitment.
>>>>>> Happy Birthday, OpenOffice.org!
>>>>>> On behalf of the OpenOffice.org Project,
>>>>>> Louis Suarez-Potts
>>>>>> Community Development Manager
>>>>>> OpenOffice.org
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Kazunari Hirano - Marketing Project Coordinator - OpenOffice.org
Japanese Language Project
