Recently, I had a visit from a very close and old friend of mines. During the long Parle, of many new subjects and issues. The subject of his old laptop came up; “the famous WIN XP PRO” was acting up. He wanted to format the whole drive and install something different and not spend anything. And just be worry free from copyrights.

The productivity package that he desires is a office package, AutoCAD/architecture, scanning, browser, photo editing with rendering tools.
 He reminds me of my old laptop previous issues.

I open up my old laptop and debuted in front of his eyes, “Trisquel 5.5” and right away, he dived into the screen of the world of GNU’LINUX. I did my best,in lame terms, explaining: what is “GNU/LINUX, the difference between proprietary software and hardware drivers and “Libre software and drivers.” etc, etc. I did explain him of my Wi=Fi drivers conflicts and Trisquel.

My friend reminded he uses his laptop at work, connected through a Wi-Fi to keep track of all his reports, projects and inventory.

Anyhow, to make the story short, I kept his laptop with the mission to format the drive and install Trisquel 5.5.

During the process of familiarization of thE laptop hardware, I discover, the WIFI card is not listed according to I-node.

My friend’s laptop info is:
Acer travelmate 4500 series, model number ZL1. The Wi-Fi card is a Intel pro, wireless 2200g.
512 DDR 1 RAM
120 gb drive.

I’m asking the community, in case the Wi-Fi does not work; what should I do?, What would you recommend?

Honestly, as much I hate and love “Trisquel” it has become an ethical dilemma, in keeping it simple, and honest. I will not lie to my friend; specially for a newbie, about to be introduced to world of Linux. To be introduced to Linux, the wrong way, it is a hard pill to be swallow and then suffer the negative side effects.

I personally don’t want to start with a bad impression. Just start a good one, to motivate him, in learning and be educated about GNU/LINUX.

My friend and I know each other, for over 10 years and what kept our relationship alive is our honesty and loyalty to each other and families.

 Right know, I’m still holding his laptop un-touch.

Thank You all

I could easily upload other Linux, but I would like to keep him around with Trisquel.

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