I understand what you are saying, unfortunately most of my friends and family do not. As I have given them partially working installations of Trisquel due to lack of free drivers, only to have them ask me to re-install Windows. Which having them switch back to Windows does not solve the problem either.

Many of the people I know are not in a position to purchase new or more compatible hardware due to economic reasons. So while this is a solution, it is not something that works for everyone. As they are able to discover the problem *now* they are also stuck with it.

My suggestion was just based on the feedback and experience I have had with people as I tried to educate about Free Software and other available Operating Systems. In the end, they wanted a completely functional computer regardless of the ethical issues, and unfortunately were not willing to wait while the Free Software community builds support for what is lacking.

I have been able to be patient and adjust my software and computing needs to accommodate some of the challenges that free distros like Trisquel face, however others are not always so willing. At least the people I have dealt.

Others may have had different experiences that are more successful in transferring people to a Free OS. I still stand by my recommendation.

Good luck to you as try and help your friend make the transition to a more free environment.

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