I pointed out above that the problems your running into are with the hardware and/or proprietary components. It's not likely your going to see a fix for these- or if you do it won't be any time soon (including likely after you've disposed of the PC).

There are a few things you might be able to do in relation to the touchpad problem (ie the keyboard behaving in a problematic way when you type). You can configure it to automatically disable the touchpad which may solve the keyboard problem. What might be going on is your palm is touching the touchpad while your typing which is causing problems. You might also be able to force the system to recognize the touchpad as a PS2 mouse. You'll lose out on multi-touch and scrolling, but it may work better.

Ultimately a new computer is probably your best answer because of the # and severity of these issues. With the graphics card you can probably just remove it and use the integrated Intel graphics and you may be able to replace the wifi card in the computer. If you can't do the wifi card you could probably just get an external one. The internal cards are better though IMHO- though I like our USB G adapter a lot (despite it being older tech there isn't any firmware and it'll work *everywhere* with *everything* including TVs, mini boards (ie like ARM), etc. though the 802.11n USB adapters are also the next widely supported... but the support doesn't go back as far... ).

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