I re-read my post a few hours later and actually felt bad about what I said there. I apologize for those comments and initially meant to say "most" instead of none. I actually use your repos for the kernel and VLC and am thankful for that.

I just feel like I bang my head against the wall sometimes with die hard free software evangelists. In my computing, I don't push for non-free software and I want to support it all I can. I just end up fighting with many of you as I am really trying to find solutions.

Whether I get into a tiff over permissive licenses or compromises with artwork in a libre game, there are always those people that simply follow an ideology and simply say "no. you can't do that. that's it" without willing to hear another person's reasoning. Sometimes it feels like I'm fighting with toddlers or grumpy old men who are so set in their ways that the world passes them by.

I honestly wish from the bottom of my heart that all games were FLOSS. Not so I could pirate them easier, but to have that piece of mind. Games that I paid for once that my child could install and run without issues.

So yeah, I'm sorry if I offended you Jason. It's just that I try to put together thoughtful discussions about these things and its frustrating when no one can respond with a solution that can fix it. It's been a problem for years and I fear its going to get worse from here.

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