Oh, I think you meant something else by dropping the name.

If all the downstream modifications are accepted by upstream, then after a while, there would be no difference left between upstream and Trisquel packages. So Trisquel would be ditto Debian, and its mission would come to an end.

If you have meant this, then I could say there will always be some package ripe for liberation, so the race will never end. It wil only get more and more beautiful Say, Trisquel has 100 packages in its liberated repository, 90 of them got embraced by upstream, so there are just 10 packages keft for Trisquel to maintain. Then Trisquel can adopt 90 new non-free packages for liberation, submits them to upstream and so on. The more packages upstream embraces, the more new packages Trisquel adopts for liberation. This way, Trisquel's efforts would have cumulative effect on the whole free software community and it will be a never ending chase. So Trisquel would always keep its distinct personality.

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