> For me, this is a freedom issue. In the same way not being able to replace Abrowser as the default web browser in Trisquel would be a freedom issue. Not in the shallower sense of licensing and such, but in the deeper sense that what we value (as I understand it) is the user's freedom to choose what software to use with their system, or not, at all times. In the same way, do we not value the user's freedom to choose what software their system can connect with over a network, or not, at all times?

I like the way you keep switching from "I" to a mysterious "we". I personally value the freedom to choose what the software I use does, for instance the freedom to turn off any Sync-like functions in my browser. Abrowser already ships with that freedom, so I'm fine with it.

I do not consider freedom as in free software licenses to be a "shallow" sense of freedom, but on the contrary to be the basis of any kind of freedom the user can ultimately benefit from, including what software to choose and what servers they wish to trust, or not.

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