
I did not mean to imply that you are confused…just making a point about the voices we choose to listen to.  I had never heard anyone teach about the pros and cons of Sabbath vs Sunday worship. That is why it is strange that I just began to keep the Sabbath.  I just heard the Holy Spirit convicting me about it every time I read the scriptures. So I started obeying, quietly and discreetly, on my own. Then I began to wonder if there were any other Christians who were led the same way, and I found a Messianic fellowship full of sweet, loving Jews and gentiles. None were contentious. None were haughty. None had a bone to grind. They don’t even get into “doctrines”. They just gather together sweetly to celebrate all of God’s word. What gentle majesty!


I believe God has such folks all over this planet, who have sought Him out in their prayer closets, have been led according to His direct teaching, and who obey Him without fanfare or ulterior motives. That’s why I don’t really try to convince anyone of whether what I do is right or wrong. If it is wrong, God knows my heart is simply seeking to obey Him, and He will correct me over time as He wishes. If I am right, I trust Him to lead others as He led me. I think that there are few who care enough to seek, hear, and obey. Most are satisfied with themselves, and the status quo.


But I am not afraid to let others know what I believe, even though I know this will cause many Christians to think themselves superior to me because they think that “grace” is just “believing in Jesus”, and obedience is just for the Old Testament. They are welcome to do so. I walk in the fear of the Lord, and not in the fear of Man. Others are free to take it or leave it. I can only testify to the blessings that Sabbath keeping is bringing into my life! It is my quiet celebration of His ownership of me.



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