That's for a beautiful post.  


I agree with you completely that the NT goes far beyond obeying the OT.  But how do you go beyond (as in more fully) obeying the OT, without obeying the OT?

Glenn - I do not obey a single thing in the Old Testament if it is not repeated in the New Testament.  Nada. Zilch.  As I am pointed out, the Old Testament Sabbath commandment is not repeated in the New Testament as such.  I DO go beyond obeying the OT without obeying the OT Sabbath.

I also agree that most Christians “believe in obedience.” They just don’t obey. Most are complete hypocrites who choose their way rather than God’s way whenever they must choose between the two. Most are liars. Many are adulterers. Most wink at every form of sin. They vote their pocketbook instead of their conscience. They watch godless TV and movies, and secretly indulge in internet pornography. They are Sunday morning Christians, and live secret lives of apathy and indulgence the rest of the week. They mean well, but lack the integrity to work out their salvation.

Glenn - I sadly agree with you in the above. 

They are believers in word only; not in deed. And they use the doctrine of grace to
excuse their sin.

Glenn - I do not agree with in the above sentence.  I have found the doctgrine of grace given only lip service and rules and regulations emphasized over grace.

If I can’t simply obey the 10 commandments, I have no intention of obeying the deeper meaning of the laws of God—especially the Law of Love.


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