Blaine wrote:
> ... as DaveH said, who wants to provide DaveM
> an opportunity to bash the Mormon scriptures?
> That is all he wants to do, as my experience with
> him has proven several times over.
> Yesterday, I got a post from a person named Perry.
> His discusssion of the doctrine of the Trinity was
> objective.  I do not find this objectivity with DavidM,
> in all due respect to him otherwise.  I have told him
> before that I consider much of what he writes as
> stemming from his biases.

Blaine, if you had been on this list years earlier, you would have seen far
less opinionated responses from me.  Within the last year especially, my
opinions have matured regarding Mormonism because I have been doing my
homework.  Before Dave Hansen came on the list, which must have been about
four years ago, if you had mentioned to me names like Cowdery or Rigdon or
Harris or Whitmer, I would have politely asked you to inform me about these
men.  I didn't have much of a clue about them.  Now I have read hours and
hours of material from journals and books so that I feel I have a pretty
good understanding there.  Before I knew the name Joseph Smith, but I didn't
his brother's name was Hyrum or that they had died together, nor even that
Joseph Smith's wife's name was Emma, nor that his wife and son did not go
with the mainstream Mormon church when Joseph Smith died.  I didn't know
that Joseph Smith's mother wrote a history of Joseph Smith, and I didn't
know about Smith's own 7 volume history.  I did not know the name B.H.
Roberts either.  Now these names have instant recognition in my mind and I
have a good acquaintance with a lot of history associated with them.

Having read all the materials that you guys have so graciously directed me
toward, I can't help but form opinions.  I'm sorry if my opinion doesn't go
along with your opinion, but quite frankly, by now I feel like perhaps I
might know more about Mormonism than you do.  I'm not saying that I do, but
I do find that I constantly bring up information that you don't seem to have
much knowledge about.  Maybe there is just so much information out there
that few people can retain it all in their heads.  Maybe it is because you
selectively exclude some information from your studies.  Whatever the
reason, you ought to at least be able to understand that having a contrary
opinion is not the same thing as bias.  I came into this with an open mind,
even being accused by others, such as Gary, of being a Mormon myself or
inclined toward Mormonism or having a Mormon bias.  Many have written me
saying they didn't know this was a Mormon list when they joined, others have
complained about too much unchallenged speech by the Mormons on this list.
Now, having considered all the information at my disposal, I have formed a
rather strong opinion that Joseph Smith was a con man.  There are court
records showing him being convicted of such just a few years before all this
Book of Mormon stuff, of him fleeing jail time for that conviction and
starting the Church of Christ which became the LDS & more than 100 other
sects within a generation.  I had problems with a man shooting and killing
other men with a gun smuggled to him in jail, but obviously there are ways
of explaining or excusing a man trying to protect himself from a deadly mob.
I had problems with the fact that when he left communities, there were
allegations of bank fraud and other money problems helping motivate the move
that were always glossed over in Smith's history.  The real nail in the
coffin for me regarding his con artistry was this Book of Abraham material.
When I fully examined all of this, that was it.  I am convinced Joseph Smith
was a con man his entire life.

I only wish you could understand how scholars with differing opinions can
disagree and discuss a subject objectively without copping out of the
discussion with the complaint that the other person is biased so it doesn't
do any good to discuss the subject with him.  Having an opinion is not the
same thing as being unduly biased.  I still try my best to be objective with
all the evidence presented to me, and the very fact that I try my best to be
unbiased is the reason that I pressure you and DaveH to discuss this Book of
Abraham material.  I want to hear if there is any pebble of knowledge
somewhere that would explain this smoking gun.  There is always that
possibility.  You know, twenty people witness a murder and they pick the
murderer out of a line-up.  Most would easily convict the person on such
evidence, but when you point out that the murderer has an identical twin
brother living in the same town, suddenly the evidence doesn't look so
compelling.  Conclusions are often toppled with just one piece of evidence
like that, so I'm looking for it the best I can.  I'm sorry you don't want
to help me find the explanation that would justify Joseph Smith in the Book
of Abraham situation.  It's not going to stop me from continuing to look,
nor will it stop me from forming conclusions based upon the evidence that I
have before me.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida  USA

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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